
Wednesday, 10 October 2012

My Doggies :D

Hey, Y'all! I decided that I have blogged about my cats, so why not my dogs?! I love my dogs, they are all so cute ^.^ I hope you think they are as cute as I do!

First and oldest is our Collie/Lab cross, Mickey. We live on a farm so she is our number one protector of the land! She is nine, almost 10, years old. She loves people,  as long as they aren't being suspicious. She stays up night and day barking at things that cross our land such as coyotes, rabbits and foxes! I love her, when you pet her, she "talks" to you! Our guard dog!
Next on the list is Tink. Tink is short for Tinker Bell. Tink is a Maltese/Terrier cross (we don't know what type of terrier). She also only has one eye. Tink has what we would like to call "Little-Dog Syndrome". She thinks she's 10 feet tall and bulletproof when it comes to enemies or other dogs. Her previous owners had her and two other larger dogs. One day, they went to work and when they came home Tink's left eye was literally hanging out of her eye socket. The owners brought her into the clinic my Mom worked at and they tried to fix it. We brought her home with her eye sewed shut and looked after her for a few days while we hoped her eye would be recovered. It didn't, once the stitches were taken out her eye looked like sheep eye (the pupil was a sideways rectangle). The owner's wanted to just put her down, not even take her to the SPCA. However, my Mom and her boss convinced them to let my Mom take her home. We payed for the surgery and now she is a lovely and loyal pet. :)
Tink and Chiquita (Beeta)
 Next is Chiquita. Chiquita (said Chickeeta), or we call her Beeta, is a Rat Terrier. Although she looks like a Chihuahua, don't get that confused with the long snout and long legs.  Beeta is a ball of energy! She loves to get excited almost every time you look at her! When she gets excited, she "dances" on her toes. Have you ever seen "Happy Feet"? Yes, that is what she does :) so cute. She also loves her blanky, it can be 30 degrees Celsius outside (For all you Americans out there, that is hot for my area) and she would still want to be under a blanket! Beeta was also a "rescue" dog. When she was 2 years old, her previous owners were too lazy to take her down 2 flights of stairs for her to go outside. What they did was put her on the roof of the second floor balcony. She either jumped or fell from the roof and broke her right-front leg. She spent three days in -25 degrees Celsius (that is cold!!)  weather by herself in her very short hair coat. A woman found her and brought her into the clinic. The owners, a WEEK, later asked the SPCA if anyone had found there dog. They were notified that their dog had been brought to the clinic, but they may not have her back. Meanwhile, The Biscuit Fund had covered the cost of Chiquita's leg plate and surgery and awarded her the 2009 SPCA Animal Courage Award, she shared this award with a cat. Since the owners were no longer allowed to be in possession of any animals, we brought in Chiquita and gave her a better home.

The last and youngest dog we have is Jewel. She is a Saint Bernard/Great Pyrenees cross. Jewel is also the dumbest acting clever dog you will ever meet!  She has this walk that I have never seen another dog do in my whole life! She sort of saunters around but when she comes up to you to play she walks almost sideways! Jewel is only 2 years old so she hasn't quite grown up yet :P but she sure make a good guard dog! She follows Mickey everywhere constantly watching what she is doing and then copying her. For a while after we got her and started putting her outside she wouldn't leave the deck at night. We thought surely that she would never leave the deck at night, ever! Until one night we heard this ferocious barking coming from our yard along with Mickey so Mom got up and shined the flashlight and sure enough, it was Jewel! Of course, as soon as she saw Mom she was right up on the deck looking for lovings. For a long time she wouldn't move for vehicles. When we took the quad out we would have to go the speed of her trot because she would not move even if we just sped up! She is a quick learner, despite her dumb habits (some she has broken) :P Here is our sweetheart!
Don't forget to donate to your local SPCA's and if you want or need a new pet, look for a rescue before you buy from a store, a stray can make just as good a pet as a brand new puppy from the pet store!


  1. Wow! You have 8 pets (If I counted properly). I would love to have that many but my Mom would totally freak out.

  2. Haha :P I have more actually. xD I will get to them later :)
