
Sunday, 7 October 2012

Cellulitis D:

Blog 5! I am just rippin' away! :P Now that you know something about my past 2 years and a little more, I can start my day to day life. I sound like I'm cleaning xD So on Tuesday I developed this humongous pimple (the size of a nickel!) beside my nose. I was putting polysporin and Watkins medicated ointment on it, I was putting hot compresses on it and even cold compresses! It wasn't getting any better, in fact it was getting a bit more sore. My uncle came out to our house for thanksgiving and he was saying how my aunt got one and she had to go in and they put a needle in it and injected something that made it go away. I am TERRIFIED of needles, I actually legitimately have a phobia of needles. Anyways, I woke up this morning with swelling up to my eye and down to my nose :( My nose is actually somewhat pushed over! So I spent two hours in emergency at the hospital and finally the doctor came. I bleieve he was Iranian and had the best unibrow I have ever seen xD! He asked me if I scratched it, and I said yes. Then he asked me which hand. I lifted my hand and he slapped it! He told me "Don't do that!" LOL! He also said that we had to relieve the pressure as soon as possible and left. I was scared, I was sure he was going to bring a needle so I teared up and was about to cry. Then the doctor came in with only a prescription (Whew!) I was so glad! Now I have ointment, painkillers and anti-biotics. :) good combo! So that is the exciting bit of my day so far. Also, I am very sorry for a good friend of mine who is currently down on his luck. I hope his dog had great life and now it can be a young pup again :) It can only go up from here!

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