
Thursday, 4 October 2012

The Beginning

So, I guess I should introduce myself! I am a typical teenage girl, I am in the twelfth grade and I am waay over dramatic, like most girls. So, I created this blog so that I can tell stories about my fails and successions in my life. It is a way for me to get me feelings off my chest and out of my way, I find the only way to do that is to tell people. Who better to tell than other people who are just like me or nothing like me. :)  Now I will tell you about my social life. I am a well liked person by most, I have never found anyone to talk behind my back (except a few) and those who did I had a problem with. So, basically I didn't care because I have friends who know me better than that. Also, I moved after my first year of high school, after living in the same town for 8 years. Yeah, ouch. So, I live in 30 minutes out of the town where I live now and that sucks because that means I don't get to hang out with the friends that I have made very often outside of school. My story begins earlier though. I will put that in another post. Goodnight!

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